Dear Andrew

26 07 2008

You came. 🙂 Thank you for just making my day.

I entirely agree.  Somewhen I thought that my opening gambit would be: “let the party begin!!  Will there be song and dancing? Certainly, but I might not show you unless you pay me.”

However, somehow it was just TOOO Busy.

And still is.

I STILL haven’t done my ABOUT page! Maybe I should go and do that. 🙂

ps – sorry if this is NOT discrete. 🙂 I just haven’t got time to go and find your email.  [insert delirious stress related (and hunger related) laughter here]



One response

26 07 2008


Hmmm. I guess you’re writing right now. I’m trying to think of topics for you… but seemingly you have quite a few sources to keep you going.

I caught the sun today a little – its so WARM today!!!

Errrr… I’ll come back later 🙂

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